Tutoring Services

The Individualized Learning Plan, Homework Help Program, Homeschool Support Program, & Foreign Language Program are all services that can take place either on site or in your home. See below for more details.

Beloved Tutoring offers various tutoring services for neurotypical & neurodiverse students, grades PreK to 8th grade:


Individualized Learning Plan

The Individualized Learning Plan is specifically catered to your child. The tutoring specialist obtains base-line data to illuminate specific areas of need. These could be areas of deficiency or areas of above-grade-level proficiency. They use that data to create and implement individualized learning. The goal is to help your child love learning, grow academically, and feel confident in their ability to read, write, and problem solve (mathematics) no matter where they are along their academic journey. In some cases the purpose of the Individualized Learning Plan is to help ease your concerns about your child’s academic ability in one or more subject areas and to build your child’s confidence in themselves as it relates to those subject(s). In other cases, it is designed to ensure that your child is continuously being challenged to reach their highest potential. Beloved Tutoring offers Individualized Learning Plans for Kindergarteners through 8th graders in Mathematics, Reading and/or Writing. Refer to the Photo Gallery to see examples of what this learning looks like and how students really can have fun while learning!

Homework Help Program

The Homework Help Program is designed to support students during the school year. The purpose of our Homework Help Program is to help families feel better about learning on both the student and parental front. The tutoring specialist takes the responsibility and pressure off of the parents to implement the homework given to you by your child’s public or private school, hybrid program, or home-school program. We help our students complete homework assignments, projects, study for tests, and much more.

Homeschool Support Program

The Homeschool Support Program is designed to support homeschool families in one or more subject areas. We choose the curriculum and partner with families to teach the content. Our role is to ensure your child’s misunderstanding are addressed and complex concepts are understood.

Foreign Language Program

We offer 1:1 tutoring services for Spanish, German, & French. Our foreign language tutoring sessions will have a personalized approach to your child learning a new language. The tutoring sessions are tailored to their proficiency level, learning style, and goals. We provide 1:1 guidance and support to help them achieve their language learning goals. The sessions can cover various aspects of language learning, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, conversation, and cultural nuances. With the tutor's guidance, your child will gain confidence and proficiency in their target language.