meet  our  team

Lilly Molinaris

I am Lilly Molinaris, wife, mother of two teenage boys and a teacher at Beloved Tutoring. I have a BA in English from Texas A&M University and I have been a Texas certified reading and writing teacher since 2005. Teaching in a classroom is worlds apart from the work I do at Beloved Tutoring. There are no constraints on the time and focused attention I can give to advance the skills of the one child in my care. All of my creativity and expertise belongs to that one beloved child. The pace, the curriculum, the activities -all is curated for his needs and preferences. I have witnessed skills and confidence explode once a child realizes it is safe to journey with me and bravely venture beyond their comfort zone. Learning from mistakes then becomes part of the dance and a wonderful addition to the child's tool kit.

For me, being emersed in small victories (and sometimes large break throughs) make this the best job in the world! I am incredibly blessed to have this vocation and do work that often doesn't feel like "work." Empowering my students to be effective communicators and their own best advocate is the name of the game. Creating the individual strategy as I get to know a child takes up my headspace in the best way possible. I may only partner with a family for a short season, but let me tell you, it feels so gratifying to "graduate" a student out of our program because the goal was achieved. To God be the Glory!

Heather Reddick

My name is Heather Reddick and I am excited to be a part of Beloved Tutoring. Growing up, I always struggled in school and would have to stay up late studying and would spend hours on homework to be able to retain material. There were many nights where my parents would stay up with me to help me prepare for the next school day. As I got older, I came across a few awesome teachers that showed me new ways to study, practice my skills, and different ways to access materials. They showed me that even though I learned differently and had to work harder than most, I could be successful with the skills and tools I was acquiring. I learned that it is ok to learn differently and that we are not all created the same! It was from that moment on that I wanted to inspire and encourage students that they can do anything they put their mind to. I knew God had put the desire in my heart to be an Educator but I wasn't sure how it would come to pass. I ended up working in the real world for 13 years and had a family. It was the last 10 years that I worked diligently to finish my degree to be able to enter into Education. A requirement for me to teach Math was for me to take a Texas math exam. It required months of tireless nights of studying. I was brought back to my school days where I struggled but I knew with God, anything is possible. I pushed through and after 2 attempts, I was able to be certified in Math 4-8. What I learned from that opportunity is that even if you fail, it's not over- we just have to try again. I did it for the calling God put on my life and I did it for my future students. I now teach 5th grade math and absolutely love teaching in a full classroom. I also love the one-on-one experience that Beloved Tutoring offers! Overall, my heart is to encourage and inspire students to be the best they can be and to never give up - even when faced with adversity. Learning happens when mistakes are made. I like to remind myself in those hard times that 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13ā€™

karisa holland

My name is Karisa Holland and I am a tutor with Beloved Tutoring. In the summer of my sophomore year in college at Texas A&M University, I helped teach a VBS in Ethiopia for South Sudan Refugee children. I began to develop a passion for literacy when I saw the struggle of a society that was mostly illiterate. This was the spark to my interest in teaching. Now, 10 years later, Iā€™m heading up building a school there for an orphanage of about 600 kids. My senior year of college I worked as a substitute and fell in love with teaching students with unique needs. After I graduated I spent a year getting my alternative certification. My first 3 years of teaching was in a unit for predominantly non-verbal students with Autism & significant behaviors. I then worked 3 years in a 7th grade ELA resource class. These experiences taught me so much in how to best support a student, their family, and their teachers.

My hope in working with our students is that their confidence grows, they feel safe to make mistakes, and do things they never thought possible.

Nicole Puig

I am Dr. Nicole Puig and I am excited to share my love of languages with adult students at Beloved Tutoring. Coming from a mixed Cuban/Southern family, I was surrounded by two cultures and languages and was always fascinated by other cultures; but it wasn't until I was an adult that I started really pursuing diving into other languages. I started studying French, German, and Italian during college, as well as dabbling in ancient Greek and Latin. Additional languages came along the way even later, in varying circumstances. I completed my PhD in Romance Languages from Cornell University and then was a college professor for several years before moving to Texas. I have taught four languages (English, Spanish, French and Catalan) and have varying levels of experience with quite a few others. I'm proficient in German and Swiss German, am conversational in Italian, and can read and/or communicate in several others. I have taught ages 4 through adults, in every setting from private tutoring to four year colleges. My children are trilingual and enjoy dabbling in a few others. I love working with teens and adults, especially when they are excited about learning a new language, or deepening their knowledge of one they have begun acquiring. Is it "better" to start learning a second language as a young child? Yes, in some ways, undoubtedly; yet as adults we are still mostly limited only by how much time and effort we are willing and able to put in. Don't put yourself in a box that you 'aren't good at languages' or 'it's too late, I'm an adult.' There is great power in self-motivation, and dedication of your time and efforts, to achieve new levels of language proficiency as an adult. Most of the languages I know, I learned after age 17. It CAN be done. Whatever your specific motivation is to gain language proficiency, I am there to help you achieve your goals.